Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Roces e goces

o sabado fun a nasa a ver esta extrana obra, na que un gag sucede a outro.Unha proposta moi interesante, xa que abarca moitas disciplinas, recomendovola

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

new blog about new art

Thursday, July 15, 2010


on monday i arrive from celtic festival of ortigueira.the festival was crowded of all kind of people, alot of alcohol and a lot of party.i recommend you to go.

Friday, June 18, 2010

dios ke te crew na nasa2

dios ke te crew na nasa

hoxe fun a ver o concerto de dios ke te crew na nasa, paseino xenial, noraboa
today i went to see dios ke te crew live, i like it a lot, congratualations!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

carlos blanco in sala nasa

hoxe tiven o pracer de asisitir a sala nasa a ver a carlos blanco, facia cerca de 2 anos quenon o veia dende o seu magnífico espectáculo "humor neghro" con manecas costa. esta vez actuou xunto co catala carles flavia. Carlos coma sempre soupo sacar as gargalladas do público co seu humor 100% galego.noraboa! sinto non adxuntar ningunha foto mais o espectaculo faoi tan ameno que cando nos decatamos xa rematamos. esperamos poder ver a carlos proximamente na sala nasa.Mentres tanto estade atentos a programación da vosa vila ou cidade. mini translation: today i have the pleasure to went to sala nasa to see Carlos Blanco, i didn´t see him since "humor neghro" with maencas costa. this time he acts with carles flavia.the performance was nice. congratulations! we hope to see him soon

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

david loira in nasa

today i went to sala nasa to see "macho"a play of dance. the ply was short(about 40´)but was good, a little strange, but better tahn others plays that i saw this year in sala nasa.
tommorow more and freak in sala nasa( the second party of "opachavales".at 8pm start, so i hope to see you there!
also i hope than you follow my blog or write something, i promisse to upload more pictures now(i had a problem with my camera)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the attention in nasa

today i went to sala nasa like every week, i saw the attention a band from austria, but i forgot to take picture.i really like the is the myspace:

Saturday, March 6, 2010

la phaze in sala nasa II

la phaze in sala nasa

this night i wetn to a concert in sala nasa of electronic music-drum´n bass. at first played malandromena and then the electronic band called la phaze.
they are amzing:the drummer is amazing also the guitar and there´re not words to describe the singer-key board.this videos are from tonight.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

codex calixtinus

there ís an interesting book called codex calixtinus, where you can find alot of information in latin about this interesting city, is easy to read. its amazing because you can read how the city was, the wall, the cathedral.i recommend you to read. last year i read some in latin lessons at the university and i love it

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

old wall iii

2 old woman in alameda

typical view of santiago

old wall II

another picture of the wall

old wall

in this picture we can see the old wall of santiago de compostela,the picture was taken near the square osthe obradoiro.its amazing

Sunday, February 14, 2010

malandromena na nasa

festa na sala nasa

today i went to sala nasa to a strange party, i saw malandromena live and it was good

Monday, February 8, 2010

view of Folgoso

today i went with a friend to Santa Maria de figueiras, we got the bus and we went to folgoso, the we saw a nice view, its a nice place to live.
we decided to return to santiago by walked, and it takes only 1 hour by walking.
today was a good day

Friday, February 5, 2010


the 14th of february you ll can see malandromena live,
malandromena is an interesting band of santiago, they do extrange hip-hop

opa chavales!
interestung project!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

faculty of history

this is my faculty. Here i study history of art. its an amazing building. its nice to study in aplace like this.

alameda today

Sunday, January 31, 2010

the hi-risers in the nasa
thursday 9 of february.

theatre in sala nasa

rewind de borja fernandez